How Theatre Education Can Change the World by Rachel Harry
Lessons In Theatre That Have Nothing to Do With Acting by Marianne Adams
How Clowning Can Lead Us Into Connection by Holly Stoppit

Laini by Jamii Esplanade
This is a project by Jamii Esplanade that is empowering young women and developing leadership skills. Laini" is a Swahili word that means 'to flatten an area with the intent of making it accessible'. It is a very similar meaning to “esplanade”, which is a flattened path for people to walk on. Laini is about giving every young woman the confidence and tools to see themselves as leaders; it is about equal chances, and the ability for all to walk the path of leadership.

Cooking Up Feminism! by Scarborough Arts
This is a program in Scarborough Arts that is called Cooking Up Feminism! When I found out about this program I thought it was genius. These are free classes for Seniors 55+ in Scarborough and is a program about self-empowerment through food, storytelling through art, and reintroducing migrant experiences. Healthy Arts For Seniors is bringing you “Cooking Up Feminism,” a feminist workshop led by Mariam Magsi (@mariam_magsi ), a Pakistani-Canadian educator!

Community Arts in Latin America & The Caribbean program by MUSE Arts
In this program, participants spend time and share artistic experiences with rural communities in the Caribbean and Latin America. They create spaces for the development of skills, and for various exchanges to take place between local artists in the communities that we visit and artists living in Canada. They bring community arts programming to rural areas and underserved communities with the belief that creative humans are capable of dealing and coping with adversity, finding solutions, and creating the necessary space for social change.

You and I by Young Peoples Theatre
Created by celebrated theatre veteran Maja Ardal, You and I is a multi-sensory, playfully interactive adventure specially designed for “walking babies”. I think that the mental health and development benefits of exploring theatre and arts activities from a young age are very interesting and worth exploring.

Migration Celebration by Shadowland Theatre
A colorful community parade where Shadowland Theatre artists, Indigenous teachers, and musicians lead a series of weekly workshops in each community to bring awareness of the diverse bird life that swoops into Toronto every year. I love the multiple meanings that this project can have.
Theatre of the oppressed by Augusto Boal: Boal's techniques allowed the people to reclaim theatre, providing forums through which they could imagine and enact social and political change.
Games for actors and non-actors by Augusto Boal: Classic and best-selling book by the founder of Theatre of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal. It sets out the principles and practice of Boal's revolutionary Method, showing how theatre can transform and liberate everyone.
Art of Acting by Stella Adler: Coming from a theatrical family and having studied with Stanislavsky, she became an old-fashioned autocratic teacher determined to pass on the best that she knows. The lessons are graduated from very basic matters to quite complex issues of textual analysis and decorum.
Acting with Adler by Joanna Rotté: not only paints a vivid portrait of her mentor, but she also codifies her teachings, drawing from class notes and over 5,000 pages of Stella's papers and unedited lesson plans covering 25 years of Conservatory classes.
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker: A book about gathering and facilitation, reflection about our ways to gather, beginnings, endings, and everything in between about connecting with other people.
Teatro Aplicado (Applied Theatre) by Tomás Motos: This book is about some forms of applied theater. A theater for other purposes, not only for purely aesthetic ones, which directs its focus to help individuals or groups with deficiencies in some personal or social dimension, lives as dissatisfaction, exclusion, marginalization, or oppression.
Puppetry: How to do it by Mervyn Millar's: About Puppetry facilitation written by an experienced theatre and puppetry director, focuses on the performer and the craft of bringing any puppet to life. No puppet-making is required to use this book: starting just with simple objects, it lays out the skills required to unlock a puppet’s limitless potential for expression and connection with an audience.
Acting, Archetype, and Neuroscience by Jane Drake Brody: Superscenes are a revolutionary new mode of teaching and rehearsal, allowing the actor to discover and utilize the primal energies underlying dramatic texts.
Relaxed Performance Training Materials by Tangled Arts: The British Council Relaxed Performance training materials were designed in collaboration between British Council and Include Arts. They include all materials needed for a three-day training on how to produce a Relaxed Performance.
Deaf Artists and Theatres Toolkit by Tangled Arts: The Deaf Artists & Theatres Toolkit (DATT)! The DATT serves as a resource and guide to increase innovative collaborations between professional theatre companies and Deaf artists as well as to increase engagement with Deaf audiences.
The Clown in You by Caroline Dream: Contains all kinds of valuable clown knowledge; both practical and theoretical. Within its pages readers will find all the basic principles of clowning, first-hand clowning experiences, tried and tested clown games, and exercises.
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk: He has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he transforms our understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain's wiring specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust.